For the Turtle Trot SAL, we choose 13 WIPs to work on and post progress pics on the 13th of every month. You can sign up at
BAP-Attack. Here is my progress since last month. You can click on the picture to see it bigger.
Universal Unity: I stitched more on the tiger, but he isn't finished yet (maybe next month).
(before) |
Universal Unity update #5 |
The Sorcerer: I finished the left side of the moon and started his purple cloak.
(before) |
The Sorcerer update #3 |
Flaming June: I did 800 more stitches in the sky, but still only 1% completed.
(before) |
Flaming June update #2 |
All's Good in the 'Hood: I stitched more border on the top and the words "GOOD IN."
(before) |
All's Good in the Hood update #4 |
Disney Princess Birth Announcement: Cinderella has a face!
(before) |
Disney Princess Birth Announcement update #2 |
Day of the Dead: The flowers on the other cheek are done, and I started on the mouth.
(before) |
Day of the Dead update #5 |
Majestic Eagle: I started stitching the wing. There are lots of combined colors with 2 different colors of floss for each symbol. Then there will be lots of backstitching to make the feathers come to life.
(before) |
Majestic Eagle update #1 |
Orange Poppies: I stitched more of the poppy. There are so many different shades of orange!
(before) |
Orange Poppies update #1 |
Canyon Waterfall: I'm still stitching the tree in the corner. Maybe I'm doing this the slowest way possible. I pick one symbol at a time to stitch. You can't really tell, but there are lots of shades of gray, black, dark blue, and dark green already!
(before) |
Canyon Waterfall update #1 |
Thank you for looking at my progress pics. I wonder how they will look by next month!
I bought all my Q-Snap covers from
Christine's Q-Snap Huggies.