Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Just a few SAL updates!

It's always fun to be in a stitch-along when you know someone else is stitching the same design!  My Friday SAL is Halloween House with 10 other stitchers. You can see their updates HERE.  I finished the green roof on the right side, but I still need to do the left and middle green roofs, too!  The Q-Snap cover is a perfect match for this design, isn't it?  It is from Christine's Q-Snap Huggies.
Halloween House update #25
My Saturday SAL is the Spring & Fall and Summer & Winter designs from The Prairie Schooler with Linda and Rosemary.  I finished the red and blue parts on July.  I'm still trying to find B5200 to use for the white, but Michael's, JoAnn's, and Wal-Mart are always out of this color!
Summer & Winter (July) update #1
My Monday SAL is Singing the Blues by Little House Needleworks with Linda. We're already planning what to stitch next when this is finished.  She is farther ahead than me.  I stitched the white border using Anchor Marlitt floss, which I bought a long time ago for a wedding design that I made for a coworker.
Singing the Blues update #5
I almost finished part 3 of Boo! Club by Lizzie*Kate, but I misplaced the orange floss for 4 little stitches in the middle between the words.  I suppose I could have used any color orange but I'm determined to find it!  This is a SAL with Linda, Lesleyanne, and Angela.
Boo! Club (Black Cat)
Teresa from At Willow Tree Pond is having a wonderful Third Blogoversary Giveaway!  Sunday the 24th is the last day to leave a comment on her blog to enter!


  1. All your projects are looking so good!!

  2. All your projects are so sweet x

  3. Great update on all your projects!

  4. They all look great. My local craft shops are always out of black:)

  5. All your pieces look good.
    Of course, I love the Halloween House. I am also enjoying stitching it with you and others.

  6. Great stitching...and yes, the Halloween cover matches so good ;-)

  7. More great progress Debbie and an almost (I'm counting as) finish. I'm loving HH. I really need to get caught up to you. Love it all.


  8. Awesome job, as always! I love how Boo Club is shaping up!

  9. Great progress! I like those pumpkins in your Halloween house.

  10. Love seeing your progress everytime:) All is looking so good. I do have and extra B5200 DMC. If you like please send me your address and I'm more than happy to put it in the mail to you. We both are in California:) I experienced having to hunt for white DMC before Christmas. Joann's finally just got their stock in here locally. love Annette

  11. Love seeing the updates. Maybe I'll join a SAL next year. It sounds like fun. I really love the faces on the pumpkins in your Halloween House piece.

  12. You are as busy as allways ,I am so happy to see all the proggress You have made..

    I loved the Hummingbird piece You stitched.. It was so pretty !!
    Enjoy Your stitching :)

  13. I am always amazed of how organized you are, and you can keep track of all your SALS...

    Your stitching is Awesome.

  14. Lovely progress on all of your SALs. Hope you find your orange thread soon.

  15. awesome progress on everything again Deb :D i love the haunted house and matching huggy x

  16. Great progress on all your projects. I love seeing all your stitching and the coordinating huggies on your q-snaps. Happy Stitching!!!

  17. Your WIPs look great, Debbie. I love all the colors!

  18. Isn't it exasperating when we run out of colour! That's why we have other wips... I hope you can resume your Summer & Winter soon - it looks lovely. :D

  19. They all look great. My favorite is haunted house.

  20. I'm so behind on catching up on my blog reading ! Love how Boo is coming along and your blue bird piece is gorgeous, such a pretty design. I think I'll end up purchasig it as Ive been admiring it on both your blogs ! Cant wait to see what will be your next sal! Halloween House is coming along great and your snap cover is the best border ever for it ! I keep saying I'm going to get some but keep forgetting !
