Friday, October 14, 2011

Violets Teacup - update #4

I finished stitching the leaves. Now the last thing to do is the backstitching!

I've been having so much fun stitching lately. I love starting new projects and building up my stash of fabric, floss, and charts. It's amazing that some of you have entire stitching rooms and shelves and closets full of goodies. All my kits and charts are in one box, fabric in another, and floss in another. I think I will need another box soon!

How is the weather where you live? I have seen some pics on blogs of the trees changing colors in the fall. That is something I never see in Southern California. It was 102 degrees yesterday! Wow!


  1. Teacups is beautiful!! It is 59 right now, but will get to the upper 60's today. Off to the hills of NC where it is peak color. Will post pix when I return - bye!

  2. That's just so pretty. I'm a tea lover and teapot and cup collector. I think I even have a set with violets on it. Very, very nice.

  3. Lovely progress on your Teacup. It is gorgeous. Love the colours.

  4. I love purple and the backstitch will make it look even more prettier then it already is.
    N. Illinois is cold and windy today

  5. Leaves have been changing for a while, and most of them on the tree in my backyard have fallen off. It's crisp, cool, and sunny today. Temps in the lower 60's.

    Your violets are pretty.

  6. Your violet teacup is so pretty - purple is my favourite colour. Whose design is it?

    The weather is cool here today - only about 18 degrees and a bit squally although yesterday was a beautiful day - about 25 degrees and sunny but that is Melbourne for you - we often get four seasons in one day!

    Hugs, Kaye xoxox
