Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Paris Kiss update #12

The woman is all finished! Now all that is left to stitch is the railing. I would have had this done already, but my daughter was home all weekend, so I was working on the 50th anniversary gift and also a new start for WOCS (World of Charity Stitching).

I went to the framer on Friday (a friend of the family) and chose the mats and provided my own frame and glass from an old Home Interiors picture that I had. It looks like this will be my last update, and the next pic you see will be a FINISH, then the framed piece.

Happy Stitching!


  1. She's looking so beautiful, can't wait to see the finish

  2. Very nice! Can't wait to see it finished.

  3. Wow, you are just burning through this pattern - it is beautiful. I love it!

  4. It's looking great. Not far to go now, so you must be really excited!
