Saturday, August 27, 2011

Golden Wedding Sampler update #4

I'm almost finished!  The only part left is some more flowers at the top by the hearts.  I have a gold frame with an old cross stitch in it that I made when I was 10 years old.  I hope this will fit in it, so I can take it to my friend Beth, who is a professional framer.  She will mount it on acid-free foam board with pins all around the edges and cut a mat for it.  She doesn't mind if I bring my own frame to save money, and she puts the paper on the back and a heavy wire for hanging, so it looks very classy!


  1. It's lovely. Can't wait to see it framed!!

  2. What a cheerful piece...nice gift.

  3. That couple looks so festive and carefree - great job!

  4. Cute design. Look forward to seeing it framed.

  5. Thank you! My parents are happy and goofy sometimes, so this is just right for them. I was looking for something not so serious and formal.

  6. I think that looks like the perfect anniversary gift!
    Congratulations on your soon to be finished project and to your parents for hanging in there!
