Monday, January 10, 2011

Day #5 - Harley-Davidson

I really like these cross stitch kits from PINN. The floss is already sorted, the edges of the Aida cloth are already basted, and the large color chart is beautiful to see.  I am stitching this one for my boyfriend or my dad, who both have Harleys.  I don't think I will add the clock, which is not included in the kit.  It will be 14.5" x 11".


  1. I too love PINN's kits and charts. They are very clear and easy to do.

  2. I have only been coming to your blog for a couple of days, but what I have seen is that you have signed up to finish some REALLY BIG projects!! I really like many of them, but I sure couldn't ever stitch that much, especially in one year!! Good Luck

  3. Hey, another HD. I just finished one for my parents anniversary this past November. I like this, the clock would be cool but I think it will be better without it.

  4. very nice! My Uncle would like that.
