Monday, November 29, 2010

I finished Wedding Ride!

"Wedding Ride"
Designed by Joan A. Elliott
Started 10/28/2010, Finished 11/29/2010

Hurray!  This is my first finish of 2010!  I showed the bride & groom the gift when it was almost done.  Now I finished all the back-stitching.  They are both over-the-road cross-country truck drivers, so I thought this picture of them "riding" together was just perfect!  They are going back to work tomorrow, and will pick up the picture before getting back in their truck.  

Here is a picture of my friends from last year, but now they have a different truck.


  1. This is absolutely beautiful! Your stitching is beautifully done, what a thoughtful and great gift to receive!

  2. So cute! I love the idea of this for a wedding gift! What a wonderful life to be driving trucks and then together with your husband as well! Well maybe not in my case - my husband will keep telling me to look out for the stop sign or "you're too near to that car"! Would drive me nuts!

    Chriz’s stitchy blog

  3. It is the perfect wedding stitch for them...good job.....

  4. Congratulations on the beautiful finish!

  5. Your gift turned out darling, Debbie. So happy to see you finished it for your friends!

  6. Cute pic for your friends. i'm sure they will treasure it.
    chris b

  7. Adorable! I'm sure it's a gift they will treasure, all the more because you made it for them.

  8. Congrats on the pretty finish!! I really enjoy Joan Elliot designs.
